Methods Original Nokia Compact Charger AC3U

Methods Original Nokia Compact Charger AC3U
Methods Original Nokia Compact Charger AC3U

Nokia has been completely rejected cooperation with Google Android may be: “It is very easy, but also very stupid.” Anxi million around the base of the “Global Entrepreneur” said. Obviously, nokia has again become unable to accept the return of a thoroughly mobile phone maker to the old path.

This is only the beginning of a series of chain reaction: a non-Finnish nokia led the North American blood management, there are sufficient grounds different from the previous era.

Despite the change in the situation under which nokia will occur in the future is also very difficult to dramatic changes in forecasts, but as things stand now, nokia does not want to be handed the fate of the hands of any person – whether it is Apple, Google, or Intel ( may not include Microsoft.) This means that once highly criticized nokia Symbian operating system will continue to be the most practical and the only bet.

It appears that nokia can not wait to be overturned: the Sept. 14, Nokia is responsible for global sales and marketing executive vice president Nicolas Fix million German (Niklas Savander) in London, participating in “Nokia World Congress,” the tens of thousands of account customers, partners, developers, and analysis of observers declared: “This is the Nokia smart phones began to fight back in the day, you should mark it on the calendar, the Nokia back.”

But these did not lead to an unprecedented change in the situation of nokia in this rapidly turn: the end of 2007, Nokia spent 8.1 billion offer for digital map supplier Navtaq, but the location until early 2010 has been fully fierce market competition, when Nokia was forced to to free and open to the acquisition in the form of “cash”; 2008 Nokia has acquired Norwegian developer tools provider TrollTech, and its Qt development tools can really be applied until this year Ovi Store developers.